7 June 2012


Brukar inte firas på något speciellt sätt men det har nästan blivit en tradition att fira den hos oss.

Det var speciellt roligt att vi firade Sveriges nationaldag när endast 2 av 10 gäster var svenskar då övriga kom från Finland, Frankrike, England och Sydafrika. Intressant nog visste ingen heller varför vi egentligen firar nationaldagen, men några var på god väg att veta, och tack vare Wikipedia har vi svaret - Gustav Vasa blev kung 1523 och 1809 års regeringsform antogs 6 juni. Nere i Malmö höll Prins Daniel ett mycket bra tal till nya svenskar där han bad dem föra den svenska gemenskapen vidare. Vi tog verkligen fasta vid detta och alla runt bordet fick säga vad som är typiskt svenskt. Vi fick många intressanta förslag ex: Surströmming, Kalles kaviar, Knäckebröd, Abba, Smörgåsbord, Pippi Långstrump, Volvo, Kaffe, Fika, Midsommar, Lucia, Melodifestivalen etc. Därefter tävlade vi i Kubb, Boule och Fotbollsstraffar.


We invited a couple of friends to celebrate the Swedish national day, even though only 2 out of 10 guests were Swedish. The other nationalities were Finish, French, English and South African. The interesting was that the foreigners nearly had a better idea of why the Swedes celebrate the national day compares to the Swedes themselves. It’s celebrated as Gustav Vasa became King in 1523 and in 1809 the constitution was established. To honour Sweden everyone around the table had to say something typical Swedish. We got a lot of good examples and I won’t be able to translate all of them, you have to come and experience them, such as: Surströmming, Kalles caviar, Knäckebröd, Abba, Smörgåsbord, Pippi Långstrump, Volvo, Coffee, Fika, Midsummer, Lucia, and Eurovision etc. After the compulsory Coffee and cake, was a little tournament of Kubb (another Swedish thing), Boule and Football penalties.

We sat the table in the living room in case it would rain, like it had done all other days.
It turned out to be a really nice and warm summer day.

 Please note the decorations! Even the football is blue and yellow. 

Jesper enjoyed being in Maria's arms so much that he later on fell asleep.

The winning team and their trophy that contained a shot of Limoncello.

  Sarah, has only lived in Sweden for a couple of months, but alreay knows a lot about her new country. 

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