16 March 2012

May we introduce…


Hur gjorde man förr i tiden när man berättade att man fått barn? Utan mobiltelefoner, MMS eller Facebook? Vi satt på BB uppkopplade mot internet och tittade på Melodifestivalen precis som en vanlig lördag och spred nyheten via Facebook och bloggen och snabbt hade ryktet spridit sig. Det är fantastiskt! Vi gör nu samma sak med namnet. Här är Jesper Richard Ratnér. Som nämnt tidigare hade vi vissa bekymmer med pojknamn så vi fick börja om och leta namn och båda två fastnade för Jesper. Richard kommer från Chris pappa så andranamnet var ganska givet.

How did people spread the news of their newborn baby’s before mobile phones and Internet? Last Saturday evening we were online watching TV as usual and spread the news of our baby boy over Facebook and the blog. It didn’t take long until we started to have a lot of comments and my Facebook is usually very empty. We are now ready to announce the name of our little boy – Jesper Richard Ratnér. We hope he will be happy with his name. Jesper may be a little bit unusual in England and according to my mother also unusual in Finland but very common in Sweden. Richard is after Chris’ father.

Small feet in the air!

Look at his small fingers compared to mine!

Jesper, 2 days old!


  1. Isn't he, Jesper, cute?!

    I know one Jesper besides your little guy.

    According to the Population Register Centre in Finland there are approximately 2000 Jespers in Finland. 166 of them were born in 2010-2012. (Source: www.vrk.fi)

    How do you pronounce the name?

    Virve :)

  2. I'll tell you how Jesper is pronounced next time we see each others :-)
